Aspiring to a higher standard of living is no bad thing. In fact, it should be encouraged. As we stand on the doorstep of 2012 and look ahead to potentially complicated economic times this year, it may seem overly ambitious to be spending money on home improvements.
The worry may be initially justified, but the fears can be elated. Modern Attics is trying to raise the awareness that home improvements (including loft conversions and building extensions) can be considered as a wise investment for the future. Don’t tear down your dreams of a bigger, better home just because the economic winds are whispering for you to stay stagnate. Put the money you have back into the one place that remains constant in your life – your home.
Ambitious plans for a conversion or extension of your property don’t have to be unrealistic either. It depends on what you want to achieve from the works carried out.
The choices are entirely up to the individual as are the respective reasons behind the motivation for this venture.
No plan is necessarily too big to pull off.
Some clients we have worked for in the past have requested different things, pitched different ideas and expected different results. For example; if the goal is to add value to your property the best way to ensure this is by converting the loft into a new bedroom with en suite.
In the beginning your home may only have had 3 bedrooms, now it has four with a spare en suite no less. This automatically increases the value of your property thanks to the extra capacity and facilities you have added to the place.
For those just looking to create more space may simply want their loft converted or their building extended in order to free up the rest of the home from the burdens of confinement. This is something that is very doable. You don’t have to have a new bedroom or new bathroom just because that is what everyone else gets. Be creative and inspired. Think about what would benefit your home the most. The loft can remain as a storage area if you so choose only post-conversion it will be a bigger, cleaner and safer environment.
We have encountered clients who wished to convert their lofts or extend their properties to fit out a home office for work purposes. If you peruse our blog you will find many articles we have written on this specific process with useful tips on making your work-from-home life work!
No idea is too big to consider or too unrealistic as long as you get consulted on the feasibility and practicalities behind the conversion/extension. If you have an unusual desire of what you would like to add to your property, or if it is something unconventional never be too afraid to ask us over here at Modern Attics and we help you as best we can to realise your vision.
Lofty ambitions are a GOOD thing!